Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Session 12

Brief Overview/Summary
The twelfth TWC lesson was very similar to the previous lesson, on Group Project Presentations. This week, we saw the presentations from five groups.

Interesting Observations and Ideas

Group 1: Mind-controlled Prosthetics
My group started the last lesson with the discussion of mind-controlled prosthetics. We talked about the history of prosthetics, its recent advancement and the future possibilities of the advancement of prosthetics.

When one thinks of mind-controlled prosthetics, they would think that it is a very far-fetched idea that is possible in the future, but it isn’t present today. However, contrary to popular belief, mind-controlled prosthetics is actually very common today. Further research is still ongoing to improve this new technology.

Although the cost of mind-controlled prosthetics is very expensive today, going up to at least US$8 million, there are actually cheaper alternatives. As mentioned by Sam during the presentation, a 17 year-old boy from the University of Pennsylvania actually created a mind-controlled arm in his room using his 3D printer. This shows that mind-controlled prosthetics can actually be more affordable. This brings us to the argument of knowledge patents and licensing. Due to the greed and profit-making mentalities from most MNCs, they tend to put patents on their knowledge and products, preventing anyone else from entering the market so that they can earn high profits from their rare or unique products.

Through the group project, I have actually made close friends who I enjoy spending my Friday mornings with. This group assignment has helped me understand more about the advancement of prosthetics, and its impacts on the world.

Group 2: Trans humanism
The second group’s topic on transhumanism is very much similar to what my group and I have presented. It discusses the use of artificial body parts to rival the biological ones. However, it talks about more parts of the body other than limbs, such as the replacement of biological eyes with bionic eyes, and the implantation of brain pacemakers.

The group also addressed the various advantages, disadvantages and implications that such forms of technology have on people and society.

Group 3: Food for the Future
The group first started out their presentation with a very short but exciting skit. It portrayed the vast difference between the high tech biotechnology ‘farmers’ and the traditional agricultural farmers that we have today.

It is clear that high tech biotechnological farmers today are robbing the jobs and livelihood of traditional farmers with their high yield and productivity rates. However, it must be recognized that although the poor are disadvantaged, high tech farming is necessary to resolve poverty and hunger issues in the world today.

There are also many food preservation applications today such as canning and refrigeration, which helps people store food longer, preventing wastage if they do not want to consume it at that.

Other than the role of farming and packaging, people can also do their own part to help alleviate the seriousness of world hunger today. Simple gestures such as not wasting food and donating food to the poor regularly can have significant benefits in the long run.

The group also talked about the future of biotech farming, agricultural farming, food preservation, which can have a greater impact to alleviate world hunger today.

Group 4: Sexual Advertisements
The forth group presented on the use of the female body to advertise products or to send a message to the public. However, more often then not, these women become the center of attention of these advertisements, and people are no longer interested in the main aim of the ad.

The main aim of this presentation talks about the use of technology in such advertisements, and how it has led to both positive and negative impacts around today.

Group 5: Virtual Reality
The fifth group started their presentation with a very hilarious video of an example of augmented reality. Their presentation was very in-dept. on the current uses and future of augmented reality.
I am very excited and am looking forward to the increase use of augmented reality in daily life as it can make life simpler and more helped people be more connected.

Key Takeaways
1)   There is much possible advancement to technology in the future.
2)   Different types of technology have different impacts on society.

Final TWC Reflections
This entire TWC journey has definitely been a fruitful one. I remember on Week 1 when we were just waiting outside the Seminar Room for Prof, and it was also my first class in SMU. Prof started off the class by explaining to us the meaning of ‘technology’, and moved on to discuss about Guns, Germs and Steel, explaining how Yali’s question on the uneven development in the world today is the main crux and key to the discussions of the entire course.

At the end of this 13-week journey, I have to say that I’ve definitely picked up many new skills and knowledge, from getting to know about the history of technology, to its possible future advancements, impacts on society. It has been an enjoyable journey, but as they say, “All good things come to an end”.

TWC has taught me valuable skills such as a hunger to learn, and also tons of general knowledge that is beneficial to me in the long run in the working world.  

Personal Ratings

I rate this class 8/10.

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